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Two Days in Biarritz Page 4
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Chapter 3
A couple of hours later the two women sat in front of a gin and tonic and Martini with ice, in a little bistro next to the hotel.
“We haven’t seen any surfers yet,” Kate observed.
“I hope they don’t go to bed early,” Annabel replied, getting into the swing of their self-indulgent night out.
“We’re probably old enough to be their mothers.”
“You know, I get a shock every morning when I look in the mirror. I have to ask myself who this middle-aged woman is,” Annabel said despondently.
“I know exactly what you mean,” Kate nodded in agreement. “And it can only get worse.”
“Lots of women around Howth are going under the knife – would you consider it?”
“Ten years ago I’d have said no way, but you can never say never.”
“Colin thinks it’s great and said he’ll even treat me to a course of Botox.”
“The cheek, and him like a wrinkled bulldog!” Kate said with horror.
“Colin’s holding his age well,” Annabel said defensively. “Isn’t he?”
Kate couldn’t win this one, so she wasn’t even going to try. “He looks very well, Annabel, but you’re a stunning woman that he’s very lucky to call his wife – don’t forget that.”
Annabel always felt confident and buoyant after spending time with Kate. She wondered if Kate was able to say the same about her in return.
“Don’t look now but Sandy Hair is at three o’clock,” Kate said, leaning over her gin and almost knocking it in the process.
Annabel turned her head instinctively and fixed her gaze on the dishy surfer who was accompanied by an equally attractive dark-haired friend. He seemed to recognise them from the hotel and casually waved over.
Kate gave a little shake of her wrist in return and leaned forward until she was almost on top of Annabel.
“Is that not a bit keen?” Annabel said, arching her eyebrows. “They will think we’re two desperate oul’ ones.”
“I know what I’m doing,” she assured her. “They scrub up well, don’t they?”
“That’s the luxury of youth,” Annabel said, nodding her head in agreement.
“I hate to say it but I’m famished – will we go?”
“Seems like a shame now that there’s a bit of entertainment. But one good thing about turning forty – you learn to get your priorities right.”
They left a ten-euro note on the table and wandered out into the night. The town was hushed and sleepy, unaware that it was meant to provide an entertaining ambience for its guests. Each restaurant that they walked past seemed emptier than the previous one.
“Maybe that fish place we saw earlier will have some atmosphere,” Kate suggested.
The streets were calm all the way down to the seafront and the two were surprised to see only three tables occupied in the brightly lit seafood restaurant.
“We really are off season, aren’t we?” Annabel noted.
Things were looking up however as the sandy-haired surfer and his dark, tanned, friend seemed to have taken a short cut and were approaching the restaurant door simultaneously.
“Hi, again!” the sandy-haired one said in a strong British accent.
“Hello,” replied Kate who already had the surfer’s cards marked.
A small rotund waitress in a striped dress and pinny ran up to the four in a flap. They obviously hadn’t catered for such a large crowd tonight.
“Une table pour quatre?”
Sandy Hair looked back at the women and raised his eyebrows slightly.
“Would you like to join us?” he asked.
Kate didn’t give Annabel a chance to answer but Annabel would have been more surprised if she had. She had always made the decisions for both of them.
“That would be very nice, if you don’t mind?” Kate said with a wicked grin.
The waitress ushered them down to a table at the window, covered with a crisp white linen tablecloth. The setting was nautical in inspiration with ship’s wheels and ropes decorating the walls.
“I’m Brett, by the way,” Sandy Hair said, offering his right hand to Kate and then turned to shake Annabel’s hand.
“And I’m Nico,” his friend said with an Italian accent breaking through.
He held out his hand to the girls.
“I’m Kate and this is Annabel.”
Annabel gave Kate a churlish look, implying that she was well able to speak for herself.
“Are you girls down for the surfing?” Brett asked.
“Do we look like surfers?” Kate giggled.
“To be honest, no!”
“We’re just getting away from it all. Annabel lives in Ireland and I live in Haute-Pyrénées so we don’t get to see that much of each other. Are you guys on vacation?”
“We’re training for the European Championships in Feurteventura,” Brett answered.
“So you’re professional?” Annabel asked, trying not to sound too impressed.
“We do the circuit in Europe and the States,” Nico informed them. “We don’t get to Australia every year – only when it’s a major championship.”
Annabel was beginning to wonder what these two hunky guys were really like, sitting with two strange older women. Were there no girls their own age in Biarritz on a Thursday night? Maybe they had ulterior motives and the idea of no-fuss sex and a mature woman was a novelty! The conversation was spirited, washed down with two carafes of wine and four bowls of delicious mixed seafood.
“Fancy finding somewhere with a bit more action?” Kate asked.
“Desperado’s – it’s where all the surfers go after they’ve been out,” Brett suggested.
“Why don’t you come to your senses?” she joked.
Brett looked at her puzzled for a moment and frowned.
“Sorry,” Kate laughed. “I guess you’re too young to remember The Eagles.”
They pushed their seats back and all stood up together.
“I think we’re the couple of Desperados here,” Kate whispered to Annabel when the guys were out of earshot.
Languidly they walked along the shoreline, all wrapped up well, to avoid being chilled by the cool evening breeze. Brett walked alongside Kate, matching her strides step for step.
“Whereabouts in England are you from?” Kate started flirtingly when they were finally walking ahead of the others.
“A few places actually, but at the moment my dad lives in Poole and I stay with him when I go home. My mother lives in Gibraltar with my stepfather.”
“Poole’s nice, I’ve been a couple of times – my first husband was a sailor.”
A smile developed on Brett’s face. “You make it sound like you’ve had an array of husbands,” he said with a hitch of his eyebrows.
“Well, no, I mean, maybe . . . my first husband died and my second is in the process of becoming my ex-husband.”
“An experienced woman,” he grinned.
“Really, I’m not that interesting. That’s just the way it is.” Kate was feeling embarrassed, an emotion she usually didn’t experience. “So are you married?”
“I’m married to my board. Crikey, no way, I’m only twenty-eight!” Brett laughed.
“So will you be tied up with your board for life?”
“I guess so – I mean there’s guys in their forties still winning championships,” he said incredulously.
“Really? That’s very old,” Kate said with a smirk. “Have you been to the casino yet?”
“I do all my gambling on the waves.” His bright blue eyes were twinkling as he spoke and a mischievous grin was developing on his face. He was remarkably like Shane in appearance.
Kate glanced over her shoulder to see where the others were and found them walking slowly behind, deep in conversation. This could turn out to be a cosy little foursome, just like the old days!
“How long are you married?” Nico asked, taking Annabel’s left hand and rubbing his index finger around th
e diamond solitaire and gold band.
She politely let it slip through his grasp and rubbed her palm off her jacket. “Do I look very married?”
“You want me to answer?” Nico said with a coy smile.
“I wouldn’t have asked you otherwise.” Annabel threw her head back and laughed.
It had been a long time since she’d flirted with a man, especially one so handsome.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you seem to be afraid, I don’t know of what.”
“Maybe I’m afraid of surfers,” Annabel smiled.
“Ah, ha!” Nico flashed his gleaming white teeth and his eyes widened as if he had made some sort of discovery. “Maybe you are afraid of yourself.”
Annabel frowned. This Latin man was touching on a nerve. How dare he? He only knew her a couple of hours. “Are you sure you’re Italian? Your English is better than mine.”
“I lived in Oxfordshire for a few years as a child,” he grinned. “Okay, I have to admit my mum is English but I like to keep the bit of Italian pronunciation for some words.”
Suddenly her phone vibrated in her pocket and she stood still while she took it out and saw her home number flash on the window.
“Hi, honey . . . yes . . . I left them in the top drawer beside the hob in the kitchen . . . I definitely did . . . Are the kids okay?”
Nico walked on briskly, obviously anxious not to appear to be listening to Annabel’s conversation.
Annabel followed him a little while later and walked more briskly than before.
“Let’s catch up with this pair, I need a drink!” She wasn’t in any mood for discussion. She wished she hadn’t taken the call. Thank God she had organised an au pair for the next six months. It was only a pity that she wasn’t there already.
“Are you alright?” the gorgeous Italian enquired.
“Fine. Come on – let’s catch up with the others.”
Under the black cloak of evening the four entered the bar with brown wood panelling and globular wall lights. Rows of booths were fitted in by the walls and groups of a very young clientele dotted the seats.
“This is the only place with a bit of life in it, by the looks of things,” Kate said, taking her coat off and shaking the coldness away.
“It’s not exactly salubrious,” Annabel observed.
“You mean it’s not Howth Golf Club?” Kate jeered.
Annabel was careful not to make any more comments that warranted a snide remark. Kate’s repartee usually sharpened under the influence of alcohol. It was set to be another night of flirtations and teasing like so many they had shared in their youth and Annabel would put money on the odds of Kate hooking up with Brett.
A few hours later Annabel got the nod she was expecting. In the ladies’ toilet Kate asked the question that had been asked of Annabel so many times before.
“Do you mind if we use the room for a little while?”
“Kate Cassaux, I can’t believe you’re turning this girl’s weekend into a sordid night of passion with a younger man!” Annabel berated.
“Please, please Annabel! He’s yummy and it’s been ages since I had a good shag. I swear we’ll be quick.”
Annabel could only laugh at Kate’s request – things had changed little in all these years, apart from the fact that Annabel wasn’t going to be paired off with Kate’s fella’s friend this time.
“Okay, I did think we were too old for all this but it would make it like old times. I’ll give you an hour and a half. I’m not very tired anyway and I had a lousy chat with Colin again, after dinner,” Annabel sighed.
“If I were you, I’d give Nico a go – he’s a bit of a dish, Annabel.”
“Yes, but I’m not you. I’ll stay down in the bar and chat to him if I have to, but one and a half hours is the absolute max, okay?”
“I’m so lucky to have a friend like you,” Kate grinned.
When they returned to the table Brett took his jacket and handed Kate hers with an air of urgency. Annabel sat down beside Nico and gave a shallow smile to acknowledge that she was not interested in the same entertainment for the evening as her friend.
“Would you like another drink?” Nico asked.
“Why not, looks like we won’t be rushing back. Bacardi and Coke this time, please,” Annabel said.
If she was going to be stuck with this handsome stranger she might as well relax and enjoy herself.
* * *
Kate rocked from side to side in the hotel foyer, dizzy from the kisses the nape of her neck was receiving. The receptionist wasn’t flinching, apparently familiar with such a scene as the night developed.
“Chambre vingt-sept, s’il vous plaît,” Kate asked and an involuntary squeal escaped from her lips. She grabbed Brett’s arms that were twisted around her waist and pushed them away.
“Wait a minute,” she chastised him.
That only seemed to fuel his passion more as he snapped the key from the receptionist’s hand. They ran to the small lift and threw their bodies against the burgundy leatherette walls. Brett’s hands were caressing every inch of Kate’s body and although she was enjoying every second she had the wherewithal to press the button for the second floor. As the lift doors opened they collapsed entwined onto the red pile carpet on the narrow hallway.
Kate relished his stamp-like kisses that stuck to her face.
“We have to get up,” she giggled and they crawled on their knees to the bedroom door.
Shakily, Kate put the key in the lock and sighed with relief as it turned. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on Brett’s body in the privacy of her own room. She flipped the light-switch on and turned around to find him stripping off his T-shirt. Kate’s eyes fixed on his rippling bronze muscles. She moved slowly forward and smelt a sweet mixture of salt and sweat. She felt an overwhelming desire for him take over, as he started stripping her clothing off piece by piece.
* * *
“Would you like to go for a walk?” Nico asked, noticing that Annabel’s glass was now empty and the need for an alternative surrounding was required to use up the time.
Annabel nodded, stood up and put her coat on, feeling anxious. Silently the couple braced themselves as they walked out into the crisp atmosphere. The roar of the ocean seemed louder as the town was now hushed and quiet.
“Let’s go down to the shore,” Annabel beckoned and Nico smiled his approval.
In the distance the tall beacon cast its light around the shore and back out to the wide gaping black of the sea. Sporadic lights guided their eyes from the imposing Hotel du Palais across the cliff face. Every now and again the waves crashed forcefully in their relentless battle to reach further up the beach.
“It is a good noise, huh?” Nico said, stopping still for a moment.
Annabel stood beside him and listened carefully to the cacophony of energy filling her ears.
“I like it,” she nodded her head in agreement.
“I think, Annabel you are a lady of many secrets.”
“What gives you that impression?” she asked, puzzled by his comment.
“You seem like you are hiding something – or someone.”
Annabel was amazed at his astuteness. There was no harm in telling him about Damien, she would probably never see him again after tonight.
“Maybe I have someone, or did but it couldn’t be,” Annabel smiled.
“Come now, surely you don’t think there is only one person for you!” he exclaimed. “I believe I can be happy with many different women!”
Annabel curled her lips up and frowned, until she resembled a stern schoolteacher. “Nico, I’ll be forty next week and I can honestly say, hand on my heart, that there was only one big love in my life. Yes, I am happy with my husband and could have been happy with someone else but you only get one bite of the cherry.”
Nico frowned in a naïve attractive way, unsure what she meant by a bite of the cherry.
Annabel gazed into Nico’s brown eyes and for an instant she
wanted to kiss him. His eyes were not unlike Damien’s, but were more youthful than all those years ago when she shared her love with him on the ferry. They paused for a moment with only the sound of the ocean as a reminder that they stood on a beach.
“Do you mind if we go back to the hotel?” Annabel asked.
“That’s okay.” Disappointment was evident in Nico’s voice. He had secretly hoped she would mellow under the symphony of the waves. They walked slowly up the promenade until their hotel came into view, the tension between them building with each step.
Nico held the door open as they entered the hotel. He caught her by the wrist so she could move no further. Then he leaned forward and softly whispered in her ear.
“Please, come to my room.”
Annabel closed her eyes. She needed to be transported back to the cabin on the ship. She desperately wanted to feel adored. Her lovemaking with Colin had become stale and routine and the strong and sensual way that Nico gripped her left her feeling powerless.
“Okay,” she murmured softly.
She couldn’t remember the ride in the lift to Nico’s room. The smell of salty wetsuits and surfing equipment wafted around her as he opened the bedroom door.
“It is in a bit of a mess,” Nico said, scratching his head and looking around the untidy room.
“It’s okay,” Annabel assured him. She was feeling her age as Nico settled the bedcovers and kicked the clothing that lay on the floor under the bed.
“Would you like a drink?” Nico asked, pointing to a bottle of Kahlua on the dressing-table.
“Why not?” Annabel shrugged.
Nico rushed into the bathroom where he found two glasses that he proceeded to rinse. He filled them to the brim with Kahlua and handed one to Annabel, who was feeling surprisingly in control of the situation. She took a sip and put it down on the dressing-table. Again their eyes met as they had done on the beach and Annabel knew this time that she wanted him. No one would ever know and she would be in the lobby before Kate. She took Nico’s glass and placed it down beside hers. She felt as though she was possessed by someone else, a cooler more confident version of herself that had never really existed.